On August 1, 2018, the Court made an entry for the transformation of our company AG-TRANS Agnieszka Kraszewska Limited Company into a Limited Partnership Company.
This was the last phase of our transformation.
Due to the above, our name has changed, from today the correct name is:
AG-TRANS Spółka z o. O. Spółka komandytowa
(formerly AG-TRANS Agnieszka Kraszewska Sp. o.o.)

Dear Sir or Madam,
I kindly inform you that from 01/08/2018 The transformation of AG-TRANS Agnieszka Kraszewska Limited Company into a limited partnership company was completed, the company received the following wording: AG-TRANS Spółka z o. o. Spółka komandytowa, therefore I kindly request you to update our data in your registers to the letter indicated at the beginning.
I point out that the transformation was carried out on the principles set out in the provisions of art. 551 i n. And art. 575 i n. Of the Code of Commercial Companies. Pursuant to article 553 § 1 the Code of Commercial Companies. The transformed company has all the rights and obligations of the transformed company. This means in particular that the content of the legal relations of the company being transformed, connecting it with third parties, does not change. Therefore, there is no need for a limited partnership to conclude new agreements with entities with which a company with o.o. they have connected contractual relations or concluding annexes to such contracts. In addition, constituted in art. 553 § 2 k.s.h of the Code of Commercial Companies, succession, also includes the rights and administrative obligations of the transformed company, including in particular permits, concessions and concessions, which have been granted to the limted company prior to its transformation.
Due to the content of the provisions cited above, it should be stated that the transformation did not affect the existing relationship with you.
If there would be a need for you to clarify the circumstances and consequences of the conversion of the limited company in a limited partnership company, I would kindly ask you to contact the company or the representative of the company in the transformation process with Kancelaria Prawnicza Radcy Prawnego Cezary L. Jezierski Sp. j., tel. 0048 29 74 251 80.
Agnieszka Kraszewska
Chairman of the Board of AG-TRANS Limited Company
General partner of AG-TRANS Limited Partnership Company